Rediscovering History: Forgotten Retro Photos Revealed

By Sarah Norman | March 21, 2024

Jeff Bridges & Jessica Lange in King Kong (1976).

Welcome to our time capsule of nostalgia! Prepare to be whisked away to the not-so-distant past as we unearth treasures from the archives. From classic toys to outdated technology, and beloved cartoons to iconic TV shows, our collection is a trip down memory lane. Join us on this groovy adventure as we rediscover Kodak moments that will bring a smile to your face and warmth to your heart.

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Get a load of these two! A dashing Jeff Bridges and a young Jessica Lange back in 1976 when they starred together in the classic monster film King Kong. This was actually Jessica Lang’s very first film role and she was a hit. The film itself was extremely commercially successful, it earned back triple what it cost Paramount Pictures to make it. The film brought in over $90 million dollars worldwide and sat at #5 on Variety's chart of the top domestic (U.S.) moneymakers of 1977. It also won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects in addition to receiving nominations for Best Cinematography and Best Sound.

A creepily perfect classroom photo, 1956.

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As far as public schools back in the 1950s were concerned, the number-one issue in education was school integration. The "separate but equal" doctrine basically referred to keeping white students and black students in separate schools but both given equal opportunities and educations. In practice, this didn’t exactly go as planned. Especially in the south. White schools were given better equipment and books and were better maintained all around.

In 1954, the Supreme Court, in its landmark Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas case, the court ruled that "separate but equal" denied black students equal protection. Integration into the same schools was the only way to ensure equal educations were provided to all students.