Out of Time: Unbelievable Stories of Real-Life Time Travelers

By Jack Ripley | June 12, 2024

Andrew Carlssin: The Stock Market Time Traveler

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to step into a time machine and explore the distant past or the far-off future? While science fiction is full of such adventures, some people claim to have experienced time travel for real. These extraordinary tales, ranging from mysterious encounters to mind-bending journeys, and definitely a few straight-up hoaxes, challenge our understanding of reality and spark our imaginations. Buckle up and get ready to journey through the ages as we explore incredible stories that blur the line between fact and fiction.

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In 2003, the world was abuzz with the astonishing story of Andrew Carlssin, a man who seemed to possess an uncanny ability to predict the stock market with unparalleled accuracy. In a series of high-stakes investments, Carlssin turned an initial investment of $800 into a staggering $350 million in just two weeks. Suspicion arose when authorities discovered that Carlssin had no prior experience in finance and seemingly appeared out of nowhere. When questioned, Carlssin claimed to be a time traveler from the year 2256, leading to a media frenzy and widespread speculation.

Initially dismissed as either a lunatic or a pathological liar by the securities and exchange commission, Andrew Carlssin's improbable success in the stock market raised suspicions of illegal insider trading. Despite facing incarceration on Rikers Island, Carlssin refused to divulge his sources. However, as part of a plea bargain, he offered tantalizing information on the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and a cure for AIDS. Whether he actually revealed these secrets remains unknown. Intriguingly, the FBI found no records of Carlssin's existence prior to December 2002, just three months before his arrest. Adding to the mystery, an anonymous benefactor posted his $1 million bail on April 3rd, yet Carlssin vanished en route to a bail hearing and has not been seen since. Despite efforts to discredit him (what with the whole story coming from the Weekly World News) the story is still absolutely fascinating.

Håkan Nordkvist: The Swedish Time-Traveler

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One ordinary day, while attending to a leak under his kitchen sink, Håkan Nordkvist experienced a surreal moment that defied the laws of reality. As he reached for the elusive leak, it seemed to recede further away, leading him to crawl beneath the sink where he unexpectedly found himself standing outside in a strange light. Before him stood an older version of himself, sparking an extraordinary encounter where they conversed and shared information. To corroborate his experience, Nordkvist captured a video of himself and his older self, arm in arm, even comparing tattoos on their right arms. His blog post about the encounter sent waves across the internet, making him the center of the intriguing tale of the Swedish time-traveler.